Short inspirational video – The Real You by Alan Watts

Brilliant short video by Alan Watts.

The real you is not a puppet in which life pushes around. The real you, deep down you, is the whole universe”. ~ Alan Watts. 

I, myself am a firm believer in that we are all one, no matter what skin we are in, and you, yourself have the power to pull the strings in which way you want your life to pull you, and we are not all puppets. I like to live by the saying, “the world is your oyster” – and the possibilities for us all are truly endless. – What is it that you truly want from life? What inspires you, and makes you really beam with excitement, the moment you even think about doing it? – What ever it is…keep doing it, and if you’re not already doing what you truly love and following your heart’s truest desires…What are you waiting for?? – Start now!  – Life shouldn’t be a struggle no matter what your situation is..there is always a way of turning a bad situation around. Focus on the good, not the bad, if you feel life is bad or you feel like you are in a bad situation, have a good think about what exactly that situation has taught you..and thank the universe for that lesson. None of us are perfect, and lessons are to be learnt in every single day…that’s just the joy of life!

– Do you agree?  I truly appreciate you stopping by, Love and peace to you all. Katrina xx 🙂 

6 thoughts on “Short inspirational video – The Real You by Alan Watts

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